Reversal Black & White

Introduction to developing

Come learn how to develop Super 8 or 16mm reversal black&white film (Kodak TriX, Adox PanX 100, ORWO UN54…) with the D94-D95 chemistry.

To take part in these workshops, one must :

– Sign up with carole(at)

– Be a member of Mire (20€/year) or enroll in a membership

– come with an exposed roll of film (and make sure beforehand it is the right kind of film for the developing process of the workshop)

Good to know :

-upon membership Mire lends cameras and sells film at cost.

– The idea behind these workshops is to allow for an autonomous access to the lab. Mire’s lab does not offer developing services, the philosophy is DIY !

– Number of participants limited to 3, sign up fast !